7th Grade Reading


Instructor:  Mrs. Gail Krause

When:  Periods 2, 3, 5


Description:  We will be reading through the many Genres of Literature!  Our textbooks for this course include many different novels and library resources, along with Junior Scholastic magazines, that allow us to cover a variety of Genres of literature, time periods, and cultures.  Our reading instruction will also include literary patterns and elements, along with various reading cues and strategies to become better readers.  Approximately half of the year will deal with fiction literature, and the other half of the year will deal with nonfiction literature. 


Goals and Objectives:

The students will:

  1. Use various reading cues/strategies to comprehend text. (SDCS)
  2. Evaluate the patterns of organization, literary elements, and literary devices within various texts. (SDCS)
  3. Interpret and respond to a diversity of works representative of a variety of cultures and time periods. (SDCS)
  4. Access, synthesize, and evaluate information from a variety of sources. (SDCS)

*=South Dakota Content Standards (SDCS)


Attendance/Tardiness:  Attendance is required for this class.  Students need to be on time and in class everyday with all of their supplies.  Students need to be prepared to start when class begins.  Any information and assignments missed during an absence is the responsibility of the student to contact me, the teacher, with an absence slip and to make up all work missed.



            A (90-100)

            B (89-80)

            C (79-70)

            D (69-60)

            F (59 and below)


Grades are based on the following:

Daily Work and Quizzes—These will be used to keep the students current on what we are doing in class and for review of the curriculum, thus far.

            Tests—Questions will be worth more than the questions on daily work and quizzes.  Tests are used to determine mastery of the curriculum studied, thus far.  Tests are made up of multiple choice, matching, short answer, and essay components.

            Monthly Reading Goals—Because of No Child Left Behind and our Title I goals, students throughout the building are required to have a monthly reading goal.  Many of our goals might include Accelerated Reader Points, Book Response Reports and/or Reading Logs.

            Journals—The students are asked to purchase Composition Books, Post-It Notes, and gallon-sized resealable baggies for reading class.  They will be using the Composition Books to create a reference dictionary of all learned terms, reading strategies, and time lines in history.  These will be used during their 7th and 8th grade years in reading.  Post-It Notes will be used to respond to their reading using much of the same reading strategies that were taught to teachers across the State of South Dakota during the Governor’s Reading Initiative. 


Assignments:  Students are responsible for putting their names and their numbers on all assignments when handing in homework.  Homework will be given regularly and will most always include the reading of the currently studied novel/literature genre choice.  Skill work, vocabulary building, and comprehension study will also likely be a part of the homework assigned regularly.  All homework assigned is to be completed on time!  Because this class meets every other day, I will allow 2 strikes during the year that an “oops” happens and homework is not handed in on time.  However, the homework does need to be completed and handed in by the next dayAfter the 2 strikes, students will be required to stay after school, or come in before school to complete the assignment on THEIR TIME.  I do this because, with No Child Left Behind and our State Standards, I cannot allow a child to get behind!


Questions:  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach me at school at this number:  783-3631.






Please read the above syllabus and sign-off on the parent signature line, below.  I find that it is just better if we are all “on the same page at the same time” from the beginning.  I look forward to meeting all of you!  Please call if you or your child has any questions or concerns.



Gail Krause


Yes, I have read and understand the above syllabus,


Parent’s signature______________________________________Date_____________

Please return bottom portion, only, to Mrs. Krause ASAP.